Singtel: Your E-Commerce Journey

Demystifying e-commerce for the uninitiated business owner.

November 2019 | Animated Web Infographic

E-Commerce is as simple as 1, 2, 3. In fact, it is as easy as apple picking!

Singtel wanted to debunk the myth that starting an online store is difficult, and assure business owners that navigating the online space is so simple you can even do it yourself! With their digital solutions, Adtiq & Shoptiq, Singtel invites business owners to embark on their own e-commerce journey with fuss-free website templates, integrated payment gateways, and logistics providers.

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Idea Ink created an animated infographic map to convey the ease and joy with which business owners can build their businesses with the range of tools and platforms available to them. The metaphor of apple selling was drawn upon to depict the e-commerce process, from creating the business to engaging one’s audience to growing one’s empire. Red, a key colour of Singtel’s logo, was chosen as the main hue, and the animation guides the viewers’ eyes across the map without overwhelming them. With all the elements working together, the animated infographic map communicates Singtel’s message with clarity and impact.